QA Process and Test Automation
Quality Assurance is a Process Unfortunately, Software Quality Assurance (QA) and Software Testing are used interchangeably. The myopia is stark. We are two decades into the 21st century and folks think that testing is for flunkies. I have seen many shiny new app's market share stagnate. At this point, many shops, especially startups, begin to reach for help to define a QA process. Don't be that shop. The Process The following is a high level view of the components of QA: There are many layers in this simple diagram. Without proper experience, implementing a QA process can be unwieldy. But note, Software Quality Assurance is a twin discipline: Process Quality Assurance and Product Quality Assurance. Subsets of Product QA is what is commonly/erroneously called QA. QA and Software Testing are not synonymous: What is Software Testing Testing is focused on defect identification: akin to a police detective at a crime scene. It is che...